My Statement of Faith

I BELIEVE in the Holy Bible, the Old and New Testament as inspired by God, and the Bible as inerrant in the original writing. The Holy Bible is the ultimate and final authority in matters of faith and life practice and belief. Therefore, I should preach and share it in season and out of season.

I BELIEVE that the Bible teaches that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ, in His deity, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His wonders and miracles, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, and His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

I BELIEVE that God created man in his image, but because of sin, he/she died, spiritually became separated from God. Therefore, man needs to be born again. Only by grace through faith, trusting in Christ alone for salvation, which was made possible by His death and resurrection, are we reconciled to God.

I BELIEVE in the local body of believers, the church, and its purpose is to glorify and exalt God, to help those who believed Jesus to mature in their faith, to fellowship with fellow believers in prayer, breaking of bread, and to evangelize the lost.

I BELIEVE in the eternal life for those who believed in Jesus Christ and the eternal punishment for those who rejected Him.

I BELIEVE in the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, where he commanded all believers to make disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and Holy Spirit, and to teach all that Christ had commanded.

I BELIEVE that Jesus Christ will come again to the earth in power and glory, both personally and visibly – to complete history and the eternal plan of God.