Philippians 2:3-4
We have learned that the time of reckoning is not here on earth, but when we face our creator on the other side of the grave. In light of that truth, we need to prepare ourselves by doing and conducting an examination of everything we do in our life, whether inside or outside the church. I believe that there is no such thing as the things we do in the church is for the Lord only, and the items we do outside is for ourselves. The things that we do within the body of Christ must reflect as we live our lives in the world. All works must be unto the Lord.
Given all the clues for us to know whether our works counts or not, for sure, there must be some guidelines in doing the examination.
I do also believe that the guidelines can be found nowhere else but in the Word of God. Let us check just one of the approaches in Philippians 2:3-4. We can see the command right away in which Paul says, “Do nothing.” Don’t just work on something for the sake of doing or working (especially within the body of Christ). Check it out! Do the testing! Paul says, “Do nothing.” Do nothing from what?
Testing # 1 – Do nothing from selfishness and empty conceit. Verse 4a says, “do not merely look out for your interests.” Selfishness is one thing that we should watch in our works. Narcissism is being pre-occupied with one’s own emotions, interests, or his/her situations and being self-absorbed. When we are going to work with this kind of attitude in mind, for sure, whatever work it is, when it passes through the test of fire, it will be consumed! It will not stand the test! It will be burned! Let us check our attitude! Let us check our motivation!
Testing # 2 – Do things with humility of mind and considering the interests of others. Humility means being modest or having a low view of one’s’ own importance. This attitude was what Jesus Christ displayed when He allowed Himself to suffer. You can verify that by reading the next seven verses after verse four of Philippians chapter 2. This example is the very opposite of our character or our selfishness. And when we display this kind of character (humility of mind) in doing our work for the Lord, it will indeed stand the test of fire! It will no be burned! It will remain!
Now you see? We don’t have to wait until the day of reckoning before we can know if our work will stand the test of fire or not. Right now between you and God-you can know. Why? Because you can verify for yourself if you are doing things with humility in mind. You can search for yourself if you are doing things or working on things out of selfish ambition or not. We can do that because we have the Holy Spirit in us who examines our motivations. We also have the living and active word of God. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the Word of God is living and active . . . and it is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart.”
In other words, our intimacy with God is essential for us to conduct an objective examination. How close are you in your fellowship with the Lord? The answer is very fundamental.